About the Breed
The Limousin breed of cattle originated in the Limousin region of France. The original golden-red cattle are known for their outstanding carcass traits and is often referred to as the “Carcass Breed”. With lower levels of lean, dressed carcass weight and retail yield, Limousin cattle have outstanding feed efficiency.
Limousin cattle are also known for maternal efficiency. Calving ease and calf vigor were traits the breed was founded on in the United States and remain important in the growth of the breed today. Relative to their growth and size, the Limousin breed is a leader in calving ease.
The National American Limousin Foundation allows Fullblood Limousin, 100% Limousin cattle, Purebred, and Lim-Flex, a Limousin-Angus cross in their registry. Lenape Limousin’s herd consists of mainly Fullblood Limousin cattle with a few Purebred and one Lim-Flex heifer.
Breed Characteristics
- Hardiness – Limousin cattle adapt to diverse climates and the widest range of management systems, from the top end of the Northern Territory to the highlands of Central Tasmania.
- Ease of Calving – Limousin calves have low birth weights, which lead to minimum calving problems when Limousin bulls are used over cows of other breeds.
- High Dressing Percentage – Limousin crossbred steers and heifers have high dressing percentages of 58-63 percent compared to an average of 53-58 percent.
- High Yield – High meat to bone ratios and low fat leads to outstanding yields of saleable meat from Limousin cross carcases. Yields of up to 80% of saleable meat are not uncommon.
- Tender Healthy Beef – Limousin meat is finely textured, tender, and low in saturated fats and cholesterol. It is genetically trimmed.
- Efficiency – Limousin cattle are efficient-they have moderate mature size and are excellent foragers walking long distances for food. They also have above average feed conversion rates.